Tell Amazon: Stop Selling Fake CBD Oil!

Bought CBD oil on Amazon? It might be the real thing—or it might not.

Testing by the Organic and Natural Health Association reveals that the source, quality and content of hemp oils sold on Amazon vary widely. 

Why? Because Amazon refuses to weed out the fakes.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Amazon to stop selling fake CBD oil! 

cbd oil

Buyer beware: “Amazon’s quest for more, cheaper products has resulted in a flea market of fakes.” 

That’s according to a recent Washington Post investigationThe Washington Post investigation focused primarily in counterfeit luxury goods, but the problem extends to anything from the site’s 2.5 million third-party sellers. 

Amazon isn’t willing to vet the 500 million items sold through its platform to make sure that product claims are accurate.

So Amazon can’t guarantee that you’ll get what you think you ordered. This is just as true for a nutritional supplement as it is for a Louis Vuitton handbag.

When it comes to CBD oil, the situation is even worse. 

Officially, Amazon prohibits CBD oil sales, but doesn’t stop merchants from advertising and tagging products as “CBD.”

CBD is usually produced from legal low-THC industrial hemp plants. But Amazon’s official policy is not to sell it for fear that merchants will use the “CBD oil” label to traffic in illegal, high-THC oils derived from marijuana.

If a company attempts to list a CBD/cannabinoid or full-spectrum hemp oil product on Amazon’s site, the product will get rejected and the buyer will be redirected to Amazon’s official drug and paraphernalia policy along with the following statement from Amazon: “This product has been identified as a prohibited CBD/cannabinoid product. Items containing CBD/cannabinoid or full-spectrum hemp oil, including topical products, are prohibited from listing or sale on Amazon.”

But Amazon encourages merchants to get around its official policy by leaving open a loophole that allows sellers to list their products as “hemp oil” and then advertise and tag them as “CBD.”

Amazon’s hands-off, look-the-other-way approach has resulted in legitimate, high-quality CBD brands being blocked from the site, even as the platform advertises—and shuttles consumers toward—fake ones.

Where CBD oil comes from and how it was produced matters. As Dr. Joseph Mercola explains:

Heavy metal testing is particularly important for hemp-based CBD products, as the plant is known to extract heavy metals from the soil. In fact, it’s frequently used for bioremediation purposes, which is great if the hemp is used for rope, fuel and other nonmedical uses.

When made into medicine, however, this soil-cleansing feature could pose significant problems, as it must be grown in clean soil. As a general rule, I recommend seeking out certified organic CBD products to ensure the least amount of contamination with pesticides and other harmful agricultural contaminants.

Until Amazon cleans up its act, dietary supplement purchases are just too important to leave to the reckless online retailer.

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To: Amazon Director of Customer Service

Dear Director,

When shoppers search Amazon for “CBD,” over 5,000 results come up.

And yet, according to Amazon’s drugs & drug paraphernalia policy, listings for products containing cannabidiol (CBD) are prohibited.

Recent testing by the Organic & Natural Health Association revealed that New Age Premium Hemp Oil, Amazon’s designated “Best Seller” for the search “CBD,” does in fact contain CBD, albeit 7.7 mg of CBD per 30 drops, which is equivalent to 1 percent. That’s a lot less than the advertised “1000mg of Organic Hemp Extract.”

It seems that Amazon wants to have its cake and eat it too, even if that means fleecing its customers.

Amazon wishes to avoid selling products that might bring the scrutiny of law enforcement. At the same time, Amazon wants to cash in on consumer demand for CBD, which in its pure form promises many health benefits.

Amazon’s solution? Lure consumers looking for CBD to products that contain little or none of the substance through deceptive advertising. 

That’s the only way to sell products like “Raw Health Broad Spectrum Hemp Oil (3000 mg, Natural Hemp).” The ingredients are a blend of “coconut oil, organic hemp seed oil, broad spectrum hemp oil (3000 mg) and stevia.” The liquid in the bottle appears clear. The Amazon description says, “Every Bottle contains Active Broad Spectrum Hemp Oil, not just hemp oil.” At $229.99 for 1 oz., the product is as expensive as marijuana, but if it meets Amazon’s standard, it’s just plain old vegetable oil, with no CBD.

In its greed, Amazon puts its 15-percent commission above all else.

It’s time for Amazon to start respecting consumers’ rights to truth in advertising and value for money spent.

Stop selling fake CBD!