Tell your Members of Congress: Support the Civilian Climate Corps and the Green New Deal!

On April 20, 2021, an exciting and hopeful new piece of legislation was introduced by Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

The Civilian Climate Corps for Jobs and Justice Act would create 1.5 million American jobs over the next five years to fight climate change and build a just and livable future. True to these values, the bill requires a $15 minimum wage and protects workers' right to organize.

On the same day as the new Civilian Climate Corps (CCC) was introduced, the Green New Deal was re-reintroduced in Congress. The Green New Deal, originally introduced in 2019, has become the DNA of the climate movement, pushing for bold and urgent action to save our planet, create millions of new jobs, and deliver environmental justice. 

Both the Civilian Climate Corps and the Green New Deal harness and champion the power of regenerative food, farming, and land use towards climate justice. Together, they represent a transformative path forward.

Tell your Members of Congress: Support the Civilian Climate Corps and the Green New Deal!


Civilian Climate Corps projects can include:

• developing urban farms and gardens

• reforestation of native forest ecosystems, afforestation, and other projects to achieve demonstrable carbon sinks

• assisting farmers and ranchers in a transition to more regenerative farming and ranching systems

• improving air quality or other pollution monitoring networks

• remediation of the effects of toxins and other hazardous pollution

• creating and expanding local and regional food systems

• developing farm to institution distribution models to make schools, hospitals, and other institutions healthier and more food resilient

The CCC rightly recognizes the importance of carbon-sequestering regenerative farming and ranching, urban farms and gardens, and local food systems, for climate mitigation and resilience. With food and farm workers drawing the lowest median wage of any sector, the CCC's $15/hour minimum wage and right to organize would be a significant step towards economic justice.

The CCC builds on the concept of the New Deal-era Civilian Conservation Corps, ensuring that all Americans who wish to participate can work to reduce carbon emissions, enable a transition to renewable energy, build healthier and more resilient communities, implement conservation projects with proven climate benefits, and help communities recover from climate disasters, while receiving fair compensation for their efforts. 

There’s no time to wait for climate action, jobs, justice, and regeneration—we need a Civilian Climate Corps and a Green New Deal now! 

Tell your Members of Congress: Support the Civilian Climate Corps and the Green New Deal!

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