TAKE ACTION: Mexico Is Banning GMOs—Tell Congress to Do the Same!

Mexico is taking action to protect its rich reserve of native corn varieties from the genetic pollution of GMO corn. A new constitutional amendment prohibits the planting of genetically modified corn, prioritizes the protection of biodiversity and food sovereignty, defends the milpa system, and promotes traditional crops and native seeds.

Our Mexican organization, Vía Orgánica, led by Mercedes López, has played a fundamental role in achieving this important resolution. Mercedes has worked tirelessly alongside other activists, lawyers and politicians on the “Sin Maíz No Hay País” (Without Corn There Is No Country) campaign, a powerful rallying cry, uniting peasant, indigenous, scientific, and social organizations in a shared movement to protect non-GMO corn, the very foundation of Mexico’s food system and cultural heritage.

Unfortunately, the U.S. has been fighting Mexico every step of the way. In December, it won a trade dispute under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) against Mexico's restrictions on imports of genetically engineered corn from the United States.

Instead, the U.S. should be following Mexico’s lead.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to Ban GMOs!

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) need to be taken out of our food system. 

The American food system is rapidly degenerating. Small, family farmers are being pushed out in favor of polluting factory farms. Our food is becoming more processed and less nutritious. 

All thanks to the country’s use of GMOs. 

GMOs are created by inserting a gene from one animal or plant into an unrelated animal or plant, or inserting the gene from a bacterium or virus into a plant or animal. GMOs are created in a laboratory and could never exist in nature.

There have been no long-term human studies on the safety of GMOs; we are the experiment!

Studies link GMOs to leukemia, infertility, overall toxicity, and an increase in food allergies. 

The supposed benefits of GMOs never materialized; genetic engineering decreases yields and makes food less nutritious.

Mexico is in good company taking action against GMOs. There are 38 other countries that have done the same. There are even counties in the U.S. that ban GMOs, including a 13,734-square-mile area where GMO seeds cannot be planted in California.

Congress should stand up for U.S. eaters and ban these dangerous human experiments!

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to Ban GMOs!

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