Stop the World Health Organization’s Global Pharmagarchy!

Lockdowns and mandates are bad enough when they’re imposed by local officials. At least, they can’t hide from our protests. We can show up where they work and live, and we can vote them out in the next election. Things would be much worse if lockdowns and mandates were imposed from Geneva, Switzerland, by an unelected, corporate-controlled bureaucracy… and that’s exactly what the pharmaceutical companies are working on now.

TAKE ACTION! Tell the U.S. delegation to the World Health Assembly that you oppose their amendments to the International Health Regulations!

These amendments would give control over the declaration of a public health emergency in any member state to the WHO Director-General – even over the objection of the member state.

Imagine what that might look like for the H5N1 outbreak currently impacting poultry farms and backyard flocks in the U.S. So far, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has ordered the culling of 92.35 million birds in 491 commercial farms and 353 backyard flocks. 

On April 28, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control found the first human case in the U.S., in a prisoner culling poultry with presumptive H5N1 bird flu. The CDC admits “it is possible the detection of H5 bird flu in this specimen is a result of surface contamination of the nasal membrane” and says, “This case does not change the human risk assessment for the general public, which CDC considers to be low.” 

When the World Health Organization logged the case, they didn’t mention “surface contamination of the nasal membrane.” What if they disagreed with the CDC’s risk assessment? Under the International Health Regulation amendments the U.S. has proposed, the WHO would have the power to overrule the U.S. assessment and declare a public health emergency, and it could do so based on subjective and speculative early warning criteria.

Under the amendments they’ve proposed, the U.S. would have just 48-hours to respond to a WHO risk assessment and accept or reject on-site assistance, forcing it to comply or face condemnation from the WHO and, potentially, sanctions from unfriendly nations.

Even worse than that, under the amendments, the WHO could declare their public health emergency based on secret information from anonymous sources. In the H5N1 example, you can imagine Sanofi, currently awaiting FDA approval for over-the-counter Tamiflu, whispering in Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus's ear. And, Ghebreyesus wouldn’t even have to consult with the WHO Emergency Committee or the U.S. on his decision. He could declare a potential or actual public health emergency of international concern unilaterally!

Corruption at the WHO was already the “biggest threat to the world’s public health of our time” according to a 2015 investigation. We don't need U.S. amendments to the International Health Regulations making it any easier for the pharmaceutical companies to wield their influence.

“Put simply, the proposed IHR amendments are directed towards establishing a globalist architecture of worldwide health surveillance, reporting, and management,” says the World Council for Health. “Consistent with a top-down view of governance, the public will not have opportunities to provide input or criticism concerning the amendments. This, of course, is a direct violation of the basic tenets of democracy.”

The anti-corporate-globalization movement killed the World Trade Organization's attempt to establish a global dictatorship where a bureaucracy run by the world’s largest corporations could override local democracy. 

Now, like the regional trade agreements that replaced the WTO, the World Health Organization is trying to become a mini WTO just for the pharmaceutical industry to override national laws on the safety-testing and regulation of drugs and vaccines–via pandemic Emergency Use Authorizations.

We can stop that, too!

We already have for two years! That's how long the amendments have been debated. When the World Health Assembly meets from May 27 to June 1, 2024, the U.S. will try again to ram through amendments to the International Health Regulations that would give the World Health Organization emergency powers that would shred countries' constitutions and override their laws.

If the amendments are adopted by the World Health Assembly, a member state has six months to reject them. This means November, this year. If the member state fails to act, it will be deemed to have accepted the amendments in full. Any rejection or reservation received by the Director-General after the expiry of that period shall have no force and effect.

We must act now!

Thanks to James Roguski for bringing this to our attention! If you’d like to do more than send a form letter, check out his alerts, which include the emails of the likely U.S. delegation to the World Health Assembly.

Take action today!

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