Tell Your Members of Congress: Please Protect Homeopathic Medicine from the FDA!

“We have an opportunity for Congress to protect homeopathic medicines from the FDA. But we need your help to tell members of the House and Senate to support language in the upcoming Appropriations bill. 

The language will STOP the FDA from pulling homeopathic medicines off the shelf so long as they meet all existing standards. While this bill language would only have an effect for one year, it's an important step in our overall strategy to protect your access to the full range of homeopathic medicines.

We need this language because FDA's new policy (known as "guidance") states that any homeopathic medicine may be pulled off the market at any time for any reason or no reason at all except that it is an "unapproved new drug." And, don't think they won't do it because they already have!

The goal is to get 50K comments by March 24th!

The proposed language in the Appropriations bill would prevent the FDA from arbitrarily withdrawing safe homeopathic medicines. The FDA will have to have a real reason such as contamination, mislabeling or improper manufacturing if it wants to take action against a product labeled as homeopathic.

As you know, we all strongly disagree with the FDA's designation of homeopathic medicines as "unapproved new drugs" subject to withdrawal at any time. We believe this designation contravenes the law.

The proposed Appropriations bill language, if enacted, will prevent the FDA from using the "unapproved new drug" excuse as the sole reason to remove medicines from the market.

Enter your information to use the Americans for Homeopathy Choice ready-made message to contact your members of Congress in the U.S. House and Senate. Just fill out the form and when you are ready, click submit and your comment will automatically be sent to your Senators and your member of the House of Representatives. It is super easy to do and takes less than a minute. And please ask family and friends to submit their comments using this link as well!


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Dear [Member of Congress]

I am writing to ask for your support of Appropriations bill language that will help protect access to the homeopathic medicines I count on to stay healthy. The FDA's new guidance on homeopathic products makes no distinction between products that violate standards and those in compliance. This has led to the removal of safe, genuine homeopathic medicines--many of them prescribed exclusively by physicians to relieve pain without opioids.

Please understand that I want the FDA to be able to take enforcement action against homeopathic products when they are improperly manufactured or labeled. I want my medicines to be safe. The bill language does just that--it helps protect access to homeopathic medicines produced within the guardrails that make them safe and it leaves in place the FDA's continuing enforcement of drug establishment registration, routine inspections, adverse event reporting, and existing drug manufacturing and labeling standards.

Thank you for reading this message and please consider supporting the Appropriations bill language that promotes both access and safety.

[Your Name]

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