Will Your Congressperson Ban “Gain-of-Function” Bioweapons Research?

Back in November 2023, Congress took the first step to stopping the next pandemic. 

“To protect against man-made pandemics” the U.S. House of Representatives included language in one of its appropriations bills that “prohibits any funding from going to EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or any lab located in Russia or China. The bill also prohibits funding from being used for any gain-of-function research, which was being used on bat coronavirus prior to the COVID pandemic.”

Congress recessed for the holidays before it finished its work. Tell your Congressperson to take action before the 2024 elections!

Make sure you get a response as to where they stand. If you don’t hear back within a week, call them at (202) 224-3121.

Stop the next pandemic before it starts! Tell Congress to ban “gain-of-function” bioweapons research!

Is another pandemic inevitable?

The World Economic Forum is “Preparing for Disease X.” That’s the title of a session held in Davos on January 17, 2024. This follows the WEF’s Catastrophic Contagion, an Event 201-style planning exercise for a 2025 pandemic.

Earlier in January 2024, Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted to Congress that SARS-CoV-2 may have come from a lab. (Now that he isn’t running the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases anymore, and is no longer doling out grants for “gain-of-function” bioweapons research, he’s less defensive about the origin of COVID-19!).

SARS-CoV-2 wasn’t found in the farms that stocked the Wuhan wet market, and it has never been found in the wild anywhere in the world. 

But virus hunters like Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance are still out there claiming to be looking for the natural origin of SARS. 

On January 9, 2024, Daszak presented at a World Health Organization event. (Here are his slides and a video of the session.) He claimed that his Emerging Infectious Diseases South-East Asian Research Collaboration Hub (EID-SEARCH) team had found, in Thailand, a new bat virus very closely related to SARS-CoV-2. 

Naturally, they took this dangerous new bat virus back to the lab to study how well it infected human cells. 

What could go wrong?! 

The EID-SEARCH team includes Ralph Baric, the scientist infamous for his “no-see’em” “gain-of-function” genetic engineering techniques for weaponizing pathogens.

It also includes Boston University's National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL). NEIDL made the news in 2022 when scientists there added Omicron's spike protein (the most infectious variant ever) to the original Wuhan COVID strain to produce a lab-created virus with an 80 percent fatality rate.

Gain-of-function research like this is happening all over the world.

In Beijing, scientists have adapted a 100 percent lethal brain-infecting pangolin coronavirus to be infectious to humans. They published a study on January 4, 2024, showing how they were able to sicken humanized mice with a mutant pangolin coronavirus that infected the brain. Every single mouse died.

One danger of this work is that lab workers could get infected and potentially spark a global pandemic.

The other danger is that the “lab leak” narrative could also be used by the pandemic industrial complex to cover up the intentional release of pandemic pathogens.

It’s not like nothing like this has ever happened before. The FBI traced the 9/11-linked 2001 anthrax attacks back to the military’s premier bioweapons lab, Fort Detrick. 

After that happened, Congress should have stopped all bioweapons research. Instead, it increased its funding. 

Now that another bioweapon has left the laboratory, Congress is finally debating a ban on gain-of-function research.

Where does your Congressperson stand?

Send them this letter to find out. Call them at (202) 224-3121 if they don’t reply within a week.

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Dear Member of Congress,

I am writing to get you on record regarding so-called “gain-of-function” bioweapons research.

Back in November 2023, Congress took the first step to stopping the next pandemic. 

“To protect against man-made pandemics” the U.S. House of Representatives included language in one of its appropriations bills that “prohibits any funding from going to EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or any lab located in Russia or China. The bill also prohibits funding from being used for any gain-of-function research, which was being used on bat coronavirus prior to the COVID pandemic.”

I don’t have an opinion on the bill itself (HR 5894), I just want to know where you stand on this one provision. It entered the bill as an amendment, but without a recorded vote, so your position wasn’t recorded.

Please reply to me at your earliest convenience.

If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll give you a call to follow up.

Thank you.


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