Eleven corrupt State Attorneys General from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, and South Dakota, have petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency on behalf of Bayer (Monsanto), Syngenta (ChemChina), and Corteva (Dow-DuPont-Pioneer) to take away your right to know about pesticide toxicity—and your right to sue these companies for failure to warn.
TAKE ACTION BY MARCH 24: Tell the EPA Not to Mess With States’ Right to Hold Pesticide Companies Liable for Failure to Warn!
Juries awarded billions in compensation to Roundup-exposed cancer victims, because Monsanto knew its herbicide caused non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma but failed to warn its customers.
Bayer should change their product formulations, but they want to change the law instead. They’re pressuring state legislators, telling them they’d sooner take Roundup herbicide off the market than make weed-killers that won’t give farmers cancer.
Georgia’s legislature is the first to cave. A law that would deprive Georgia’s pesticide victims of their right to sue awaits Governor Brian Kemp’s signature.
The federal Environmental Protection Agency, long controlled by Monsanto, won’t admit that Roundup causes cancer, so they don’t require the weed killer to be labeled as a carcinogen. Bayer’s theory, submitted by the eleven State Attorneys General, is that if the EPA ignores the cancer risks so should the states and the courts.
In 2019, Trump’s EPA told California that it couldn’t require cancer warnings on glyphosate-based herbicides like Roundup. Then, in 2022, Biden’s EPA said it could, as long as it included a disclaimer that the EPA doesn’t think glyphosate causes cancer.
The eleven State Attorneys General want the EPA to go further and prohibit “any state labeling requirements inconsistent with EPA findings and conclusions from its human health risk assessment on human health effects, such as a pesticide's likelihood to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm.”
TAKE ACTION BY MARCH 24: Tell the EPA to Stop Bayer’s Sneak Attack on Pesticide Warnings!