More than 9,000 lawsuits are now pending against Monsanto, by people who allege that exposure to Roundup weedkiller caused their cancer.
Most of the people behind these lawsuits have stories not unlike the one told by Dewayne Johnson, during his landmark jury trial. Like Johnson, many of these people have non-Hodgkin lymphoma—or they have family members who have already died from the disease.
To Monsanto’s victims, these trials are a way to hold Monsanto accountable for its crimes.
But to Werner Baumann, CEO of Bayer (which acquired Monsanto last year for $63 billion), these lawsuits are just “nuisances.”
TAKE ACTION: Tell Bayer CEO Werner Baumann: Think Roundup Lawsuits Are a ‘Nuisance?’ Imagine How Cancer Victims Feel
After you send the email to Baumann, please go here and post a comment on the Bayer website.
Next, go to Bayer’s Facebook page and on the right-hand column, under “About,” click on “Send Message” to post your personal comments.
It’s true. In a recent Reuters report, when asked if Bayer had plans to try to settle any of the Monsanto lawsuits instead of going to trial, Baumann told reporters:
“If we can settle nuisances at some point where the defense costs in preparing cases are higher than potential settlement amounts, we will of course consider it from an economic standpoint.”
Nuisances? Clearly Baumann is more interested in numbers (the company could end up on the hook for $800 billion in liability) than he is in the suffering caused by a product that the World Health Organization has classified as a “probable” human carcinogen.
How else do you explain Baumann’s insistence that the German chemical company “will resolutely and with all means defend ourselves in this (glyphosate) litigation.”
On an August conference call following the verdict in the Johnson trial, Baumann promised investors the agrochemical company would defend glyphosate, and in the meantime, continue business as usual:
“Nothing has changed concerning our strategy. We want to make sure that glyphosate will continue to be available to our key stakeholders as an excellent, safe and very important tool for modern agriculture.”
In other words, Bayer intends to do everything in its power to keep glyphosate on the market—public health be damned.